iCCNAlab is an on-line lab accessible over the Internet. It consists of a hosted cloud of CCNA lab pods. Within seconds you can connect to a pod to practice Cisco IOS commands on various Cisco Routers and Switches. It allows a hands-on learning experience without having to buy expensive equipment.
iCCNAlab allows access to the online lab from anywhere through your mobile Apple device. iCCNAlab is for beginners interested in familiarizing themselves with the complex environment and for intermediate or expert users looking to sharpen their skills and move to a higher level. It provides a safe environment to practice. You don't have to worry about bringing down the equipment/network and affecting other users.
iCCNAlab allows Network Engineers to practice for CCNA and other certifications instead of just reading instructions. It enables Training organizations to supply a remote Virtual lab to students along with the classroom training or e-learning courses. Students can interact with Routers and Switches, just like with real devices.
Interact with the routers and switches, just like real devices:
You can Telnet in to any of these devices as if they are connecting to real devices. You can open as many Telnet connections as the device supports. You can also connect to it using a Console connection. It fully supports the Cisco IOS® command line interface (CLI).
Sometimes you need to practice the lab when you are not connected to the Internet (eg. on a plane). For those situations, you want to run the MIMIC Virtual Lab CCNA on your own desktop.
If you are interested in creating your own devices and topology, the MIMIC Simulator Suite is available separately. You can simulate a lab environment in excess of 10,000 devices. It includes MIMIC Recorder to record Cisco devices to help create the lab topology you need.
Since the lab runs in your browser, if you have a recent version of one of the major web browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc) it does not matter whether you are on running on Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris, etc.
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