Simulate thousands of Bosch sensors with MQTT Simulator
You can use the Bosch XDK Cross Domain Development Kit to connect your
Bosch sensor implementation to your IoT platform of choice. But how do you
load test with thousands or hundreds of thousands of sensors?
Here is a Youtube video that shows this in real-time.
We simulated the sample sensor in MIMIC MQTT Simulator with the sample
JSON in under one minute by just doing a copy/paste of the message from
the web page into MIMIC.
The "Subscriber" in the screenshot shows the unmodified message received
by the Mosquitto subscriber as the first message.
Then we modified certain fields to return different values. In the screenshot
they are the underlined "sn" and "value" fields.
Starting 1000 sensors to generate those values to the broker took another
minute. The "MIMICview" shows 5000 sensors configured, and 1000 sensors
started. The "Broker" terminal shows the IP addresses of the connecting